The large house where it is Gustavo Stagnaro's shop, located in Arellano and Matheu streets, is one of the oldest of the town. Although the exact year of construction it is unknown we can estimate it between 1805 and 1827, because it doesn't fulfill the Law of Ochavas imposed by Rivadavia in the year 1827 and in the parochial file it is seated 1805 as year of purchase of that lot.
Their architecture responds to the typical Sausage house compared with the pompeyana house, with a vestibule that arrives to the gallery, with rooms to the sides and an external bathroom. It was seated in mud, it has a simple aspect in relation to the other ones giving the indication that their owner had low resources or it was not a family housing..
The house was acquired by Gustavo Stagnaro in the year 2001 to plant his local and shop of Civil and Creole Platería. After one year of refections it was under conditions of being used.

Text: Extract of Thesis "Esquina Arellano y Matheu" by Josefina Stagnaro.

Facade of the large house. Corner without ochava.

See from the Matheu street. Internal patio.

See from the vestibule retching to the gallery. Internal gallery.