Annual events of San Antonio de Areco

In San Antonio de Areco every month of the year are organized different events for all those that decide to visit and know the customs, dances and the peaceful of the plain pampeana.
However, some dates are already tradition in our calendar for that we consider them Annual Events.

March 19: San José, saint Patron of the Artisans
it is carried out the week of craft exhibition by all the artisans of the town, with the reason of celebrate their patron saint.

Saint´s week (ends of March or the beginning of April)
There are carried out typical events, The Pain of The Passion in the amphitheater, by the Institute Santa María de La Asunción, the Vía Crucis from the Parish San Antonio to the Parish San Patricio, the Mass of Easter´s sunday and other events that sink arriving the date.

May 25: Revolution of 1810
it is carried out a parade around the principal streets of the town. There, are carried out Creole dances accompanied by maté cocido and cupcakes.

June 13: San Antonio, saint Patron of San Antonio de Areco
There are carried out the Employer Parties with Mass in Action of thank you, procession under the Saint's image and other events, like Creole dances, peñas...a true celebration to our protector.

June 24: San Juan Bautista, saint Patron of Duggan, belonging to the San Antonio de Areco party
There are carried out the Employer Parties with Mass in Action of thank you, procession under the Saint's image and procession of brands to the return of saint Patron to the Chapel. Also San Juan Bautista´s bonfire in front of the Chapel, burns of the puppet.

July 9: The Independence´s day!
It is carried out an outdoors event in the Ruiz de Arellano square, with typical suits and carriages in commemoration of the Independence´s day organized by the Institute Santa María de la Asunción and the Municipality of San Antonio de Areco.

October 23: The Foundation of the town anniversary

November 10: The Tradition´s day!
In the first weeks of November it is carried out the tradition´s Week in San Antonio de Areco. A spectacular tropillas parade and gauchos by horse of different cities of the county. Jineteadas, tamings and asados, dance and peñas. The celebration is made to the big thing.

December 3: San Eloy, Party of San Eloy